Special Issue: The Doctoral Journey: Perspectives

Denise Batchelor, Roberto Di Napoli


A journey entails endings and beginnings, loss and retrieval. It offers a chance
of change and renewal, but also a risk of disorientation and displacement. Researchers-
as-voyagers, travel from familiar inner and outer landscapes into unknown territories with
new horizons. They progress through an itinerary of developing meanings, both
epistemological and ontological. Researchers-as-voyagers are engaged in a process of
becoming, and of discovering a voice. The ‘voyage’ tenders experimental possibilities for
alternative understandings of who they are, who they could be and what they know. It
opens up transitional spaces for the formation of a new sense of identity. However,
certain educational practices underpinning contemporary doctoral studies programmes
may impede the process of self-authorship that is fundamental to research.

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